Thursday 18 August 2016

Interesting facts about Bicycles for Humanity

Bicycles are probably the most popular and practical vehicles in the world. They are simple machines and cost nothing more than human will and effort to run. Bicycles can transport people and objects farther, faster. This is what the organization Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) understands. And this is the focal point of their drive. 
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Bicycles for Humanity knows that in parts of the world hit by poverty, people usually carry their necessities, such as sacks of rice and containers of water, on their backs, and children often walk kilometers to school. B4H realizes that providing all these people with bicycles can significantly change their lives. 

B4H aims to distribute bicycles to developing countries such as Karamoja, Uganda, South Africa, and Namibia. But not only does B4H distribute bicycles, the organization also teaches people in these countries the necessary skills and strategies on creating and managing bike programs. The aim of these programs is to optimize the use of bicycles. 

More than 50 chapters have been set up in eight countries over the past 12 years by B4H members. Today, around 200 Bicycle Empowerment Centers exist in more than 10 countries. Over the past decade, over 120,000 bicycles have been given to people who need them, and hundreds upon hundreds of individuals have been trained to run community bicycle initiatives. 

Jay Blackmore is part of the Canadian Progress Club in the city of Regina. He is also the president of the Saskatchewan chapter for Bicycles for Humanity. Learn more about Jay Blackmore and his community-improvement projects by visiting this website.

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