Wednesday 30 August 2017

Fostering the value of community service among students

Engaging in community service is key in letting students explore their interests, try out a possible career direction, and show colleges what they believe in. When teens engage in volunteer work, they are given an opportunity to learn by experience. 

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It’s important to consider that immersions in the community make students witness how they can make a difference and not just feel good about gestures. Such first-hand experiences allow them to make more informed choices about college and career options. More importantly, it instills in them a life-long interest in charity and giving back. 

Community service ingrains in teens an increased sense of social responsibility, a more global perspective of helping others and paying things forward. It not only exposes them to diversity and multiculturalism, but likewise builds relationships and social connectedness with other people in a shared cause. 

Aside from its various humanitarian benefits, community service allows students to apply what they learn in the academe to concrete human-need scenarios and improves their ability to communicate and utilize critical thinking skills. It makes them passionate, empowered leaders in society. Ultimately, engaging in the endeavor make these youngsters realize that community service can be life-changing, in more ways than one. 

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As a member of the Canadian Progress Club, Jay Blackmore actively participates in the organization’s charitable activities, which mainly focus on enhancing the quality of life of all Canadians through community service. For more on his work and advocacies, drop by this website.

Sunday 30 July 2017

How Special Olympics can unite a community

It takes a lot of courage for children and adults with intellectual disabilities to step outside to play, perform, and win. Their lives bring joy and inspiration to all those who can see beyond their disabilities; to those who believe that disabilities should never define a person. 

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In a community that is truly committed to serve everyone from all walks of life, nobody should be left ignored and abused. Model communities take care of people with intellectual disabilities—opportunities for them to learn and serve the community make them feel more confident and brave to face daily challenges. 

Special Olympics intends to let everyone understand what acceptance is. Respecting that people with disabilities have the desire to see themselves in a different way, witnessing strength in the middle of an obstacle, and finding bravery in defeat, are all lessons of the Special Olympics. 

Equal opportunities for all individuals is what the society aims to achieve. In the process of fighting for the good of the greater population, there’s a chance that the smaller circle is being overlooked. Conducting Special Olympics is only one of the many opportunities a community can make people with disabilities feel appreciated. To be a part of a community, one must feel welcome. One must feel loved and needed. It is known that playing sports is good for the health and well-being of an individual, but an individual is always a part of something bigger. Patience and confidence; teamwork and success; respect and acceptance; bravery in victory and in defeat—all experienced in Special Olympics—bring unity.

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Jay Blackmore is an active member of the Canadian Progress Club of Regina, an organization that supports Special Olympics. To learn more about the Canadian Progress Club, visit this website.

Thursday 15 June 2017

How Can Parents Cope When a Child Is Diagnosed With Cancer?

For parents, hearing that their child has cancer can lead to a confusing and challenging time. It's not just a trial for the child but a crisis for the whole family. To provide the child with the best care during treatment, here are some ways parents can cope with the situation:


Learn about the disease
Remaining uninformed about the child's condition might bring more challenges later. It's better to know one's enemy to find a way to beat it. To start, parents can ask questions from doctors and do their own research.

Find ways to get the best treatment
Through the help of medical professionals, parents need to find the best place and method to stop cancer in its tracks. If finances are a concern, some organizations sponsor treatments and services, especially for children. Despite trying times, parents should decide carefully on the next steps they need to take for their child's health.

Talk with the child
If the child is old enough to comprehend the situation, it is best to explain that there will be challenging times ahead. But it is also crucial to tell the child that though the treatments will be painful, these are necessary for him or her to get better. During treatment, it is also important to encourage the child to verbalize feelings.


Find a support group
It's important for parents to have a means where they can share how they truly feel. Whether it's with relatives, with a group of friends, or with a community of people going through the same challenges, it would be a big help to find people that will willingly listen and encourage especially during trying times.

Parents need to be strong for their child. However, they also need to have people who will provide them with moral support as they care for their child during the whole ordeal.

Park Capital Management’s COO Jay Blackmore is a committed member of the Canadian Progress Club which holds Camp Circle O' Friends every summer for children afflicted with cancer. Subscribe to this Twitter account for more updates.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

A few ways to bring cheer to cancer patients

We can only imagine what people inflicted with cancer are going through, and how terribly lonely battling the disease can be. But this doesn’t mean we should stop feeling for them and doing our best to help them fight. While modern medicine does its best to find the cure, we should be there to provide emotional anchor and support. 

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One way to make them feel better is to show that we are not shunning them. They might think that we cannot grasp the situation fully, but being by their side is key. And while we’re there, it’s important that we are honest. We need to grasp the extent of the sickness, and never downplay any report of the physician. 

A show of sweetness does much in helping the patient. Small gestures like surprise gifts of flowers or chocolates or what you specifically know the patient likes would do wonders in alleviating the physical and emotional pain. 

If the sickness advances to an incurable point, as supported by diagnosis, getting appropriate clothing is important. Hats for the chemotherapy and jackets or gowns for the chills would help tremendously. It is likewise crucial that we keep them strong in their faith. It need not be overtly religious, but showing awareness of their spiritual touchstone. Praying with them or reading and reciting poems or passages will do a lot in this regard. 

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The Canadian Progress Club, a charitable organization where Jay Blackmore is a member in the City of Regina, provides sponsorship to certain causes aimed at improving the lives of its beneficiaries. It also holds a summer camp for children who have been afflicted with cancer. For more on the causes he supports, visit this page.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Improving The Quality Of Life Of Cancer Patients

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Cancer patients all over the world are facing one of the most difficult realities that any human being can undergo. It is obvious enough that they have to go through a dark path that only leads to permanent separation.

The greatest gift we can give them is the happiness that they will be able to enjoy with whatever remains in their time, especially with children. When it comes to improving the quality of life of young patients, there are many ways that able people can help.

A simple show-and-tell on a random day at the hospital ward can bring a huge amount of cheer on the faces of children. Come in as a clown or a mascot, and this will bring the house down.

Children love delicious food and colorful candies, and so feeding programs have been quite a popular means of significantly improving their lives.

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Donations of toys have come a long way in making the children forget about their loneliness, even just for a while.

These are simple acts that able people can do, and yet it seems that there are not enough of them to go around. People need to be made more aware of the things that they can do to make a cancer-stricken child happy. There are truly so many ways in which we all can help.

The Canadian Progress Club, a charitable organization where Jay Blackmore is a member in the City of Regina, provides sponsorship to certain causes aimed at improving the lives of its recipients. It also holds a summer camp for children who have been afflicted with cancer. For more on the causes he supports, visit this page.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Community Service Activities For Companies Of Every Size

Businesses exist primarily to address the needs of many. Giving back to the community should be part of the company culture. Here are some ideas for those who are planning on organizing events to help their community:

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Send teams that will spend time to volunteer

Volunteering at charity organizations or community centers can be part of a company’s community efforts. Though employees can be given paid time off, it would be better to send teams so that they’d fully be immersed in the experience together. Not only will it raise awareness of what is happening in the community, but it will also strengthen camaraderie between team members.

Partner with nonprofit organizations or government initiatives

The best way to make an impact in a community would be to partner with other sectors. When it comes to community service, getting allies is always a good idea. Corporate firms partnering with nonprofit and government firms will allow them to reach more communities. This will also allow them to come up with specific efforts that will target the needs of the people.

Raise funds through sporting events Sporting events are a great way to gather people. Aside from those involved with the company, partners and acquaintances can contribute their resources while having a fun time doing physical activities. Mini marathons and basketball matches are some popular activities people can participate in.

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Whatever the size, businesses can start getting involved in efforts that will uplift the lives of many in their community. There are a wide-range of activities to choose from, all it takes is careful planning and participation from people.

Jay Blackmore is the COO of Park Capital Management in Saskatchewan, Canada. Subscribe to this Twitter page for similar updates.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

A Caring Guide For Parents Who Have Terminally-ill Children

Parents of children with cancer need to know that they are not alone. There are helpful resources to assist them during this challenging time. Foremost in concern should be the health and welfare of the child, along with the stability of the family. Local initiatives have listed helpful suggestions for coping:

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Be honest: Parents want to protect their children at all cost – but this should not be done by deliberately encouraging ignorance in the part of the child. Children need to know what is happening to them and how this is affecting their entire family. Be honest with the child. Death is a scary subject but talking about it can be cathartic for both the child and the parents. There are no hard or fast rules about this; parents should determine when and how they speak to their child about this. Regardless, the talk should take place as soon and as directly as possible.

Adjust to their needs: The child’s psychosocial and physical needs should not take a backseat amid the health struggles. As the cancer progresses, such needs will change. Parents are encouraged to maintain a semblance of normalcy in the family’s daily life. This includes allowing the child to attend school, letting him or her play, and building and maintaining friendships. Children need to feel that their illness is not who they are but a part of their body they simply live with.

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Find support: Parents need to take care of themselves too. It is not natural for parents to outlive their children and many marriages dissolve after the death of a child. Apart from preparing their child for death, parents should also prepare themselves for this eventuality. Seeking counseling is recommended.

It is never easy to care for a terminally-ill child. However, with the proper techniques and coping mechanisms, parents will find themselves learning to live their life as best they can.

Jay Blackmore of the Canadian Progress Club is passionate about helping children with cancer. His advocacy includes providing support for parents and caregivers. Learn more when you follow this blog.