Wednesday 30 August 2017

Fostering the value of community service among students

Engaging in community service is key in letting students explore their interests, try out a possible career direction, and show colleges what they believe in. When teens engage in volunteer work, they are given an opportunity to learn by experience. 

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It’s important to consider that immersions in the community make students witness how they can make a difference and not just feel good about gestures. Such first-hand experiences allow them to make more informed choices about college and career options. More importantly, it instills in them a life-long interest in charity and giving back. 

Community service ingrains in teens an increased sense of social responsibility, a more global perspective of helping others and paying things forward. It not only exposes them to diversity and multiculturalism, but likewise builds relationships and social connectedness with other people in a shared cause. 

Aside from its various humanitarian benefits, community service allows students to apply what they learn in the academe to concrete human-need scenarios and improves their ability to communicate and utilize critical thinking skills. It makes them passionate, empowered leaders in society. Ultimately, engaging in the endeavor make these youngsters realize that community service can be life-changing, in more ways than one. 

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As a member of the Canadian Progress Club, Jay Blackmore actively participates in the organization’s charitable activities, which mainly focus on enhancing the quality of life of all Canadians through community service. For more on his work and advocacies, drop by this website.