Thursday 15 June 2017

How Can Parents Cope When a Child Is Diagnosed With Cancer?

For parents, hearing that their child has cancer can lead to a confusing and challenging time. It's not just a trial for the child but a crisis for the whole family. To provide the child with the best care during treatment, here are some ways parents can cope with the situation:


Learn about the disease
Remaining uninformed about the child's condition might bring more challenges later. It's better to know one's enemy to find a way to beat it. To start, parents can ask questions from doctors and do their own research.

Find ways to get the best treatment
Through the help of medical professionals, parents need to find the best place and method to stop cancer in its tracks. If finances are a concern, some organizations sponsor treatments and services, especially for children. Despite trying times, parents should decide carefully on the next steps they need to take for their child's health.

Talk with the child
If the child is old enough to comprehend the situation, it is best to explain that there will be challenging times ahead. But it is also crucial to tell the child that though the treatments will be painful, these are necessary for him or her to get better. During treatment, it is also important to encourage the child to verbalize feelings.


Find a support group
It's important for parents to have a means where they can share how they truly feel. Whether it's with relatives, with a group of friends, or with a community of people going through the same challenges, it would be a big help to find people that will willingly listen and encourage especially during trying times.

Parents need to be strong for their child. However, they also need to have people who will provide them with moral support as they care for their child during the whole ordeal.

Park Capital Management’s COO Jay Blackmore is a committed member of the Canadian Progress Club which holds Camp Circle O' Friends every summer for children afflicted with cancer. Subscribe to this Twitter account for more updates.