Tuesday 30 May 2017

A few ways to bring cheer to cancer patients

We can only imagine what people inflicted with cancer are going through, and how terribly lonely battling the disease can be. But this doesn’t mean we should stop feeling for them and doing our best to help them fight. While modern medicine does its best to find the cure, we should be there to provide emotional anchor and support. 

Image source: ehow.com

One way to make them feel better is to show that we are not shunning them. They might think that we cannot grasp the situation fully, but being by their side is key. And while we’re there, it’s important that we are honest. We need to grasp the extent of the sickness, and never downplay any report of the physician. 

A show of sweetness does much in helping the patient. Small gestures like surprise gifts of flowers or chocolates or what you specifically know the patient likes would do wonders in alleviating the physical and emotional pain. 

If the sickness advances to an incurable point, as supported by diagnosis, getting appropriate clothing is important. Hats for the chemotherapy and jackets or gowns for the chills would help tremendously. It is likewise crucial that we keep them strong in their faith. It need not be overtly religious, but showing awareness of their spiritual touchstone. Praying with them or reading and reciting poems or passages will do a lot in this regard. 

Image source: elitedaily.com

The Canadian Progress Club, a charitable organization where Jay Blackmore is a member in the City of Regina, provides sponsorship to certain causes aimed at improving the lives of its beneficiaries. It also holds a summer camp for children who have been afflicted with cancer. For more on the causes he supports, visit this page.